
Our Girls 

Champion Amanjay Justdivine - aka 'Dior'

Black Tortie Oriental

Many thanks to Amanda for allowing us,

the privilege of being owned by this gorgeous girl.

Niterap Naughtynutnice [2 cc's] - aka 'Nancy' - SIA b 21

Chocolate Tabby Point Siamese 

Many thanks to our good friend for this beautiful girl. 

Chezs Locutis  aka ''Loki" - SIA b 03 33

Chocolate Tabby & White Pointed Bicolour

Many thanks to our friend Cherie for this pretty girl.

Metexa Mambo  aka 'Mambo' - OSH o 33

Cinnamon Oriental Bicolour

Metexa Kismet  aka 'Kismet' - SIA o

Cinnamon Point Siamese 

Metexa Destinys Child [2 cc's] aka 'Destiny' - OSH o 24

Cinnamon Spotted Tabby Oriental

The gobby daughter of Kismet and Abe an import boy 

owned by our friend Cherie of Chezs Cats.

Metexa Khaos - aka 'Princess' OSH o 

Cinnamon Oriental

The daughter of Kismet and Abe an import boy

who is owned by our friend Cherie of Chezs Cats.

'Leyla' - SIA b

Chocolate Point Siamese 

Now Retired